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NodeRED Protocol

  1. Make sure to have Glue as well as NodeRED installed.
  2. You need a beta version of our NodeRED Nodes. This can't be installed via the NodeRED UI, so you need to use the command line:
  3. Open a terminal (Command Prompt on Windows) and navigate (cd yourPathHere) to the NodeRED folder. The directory is here:
    • Windows: C:\Users\yourUserName\.node-red
    • MacOS: ~/.node-red
    • Linux: ~/.node-red
  4. Run npm i @makeproaudio/node-red-contrib-makehaus@beta
  5. Now our nodes are installed. Start NodeRED
  6. You find a glue node in the MakeHaus section of the nodes. Add it to the workflow and set a port (for example 14841) as well as give names to the protocols (which names don't matter, just make sure to remember them)
  7. Start Glue
  8. Create a new Solution
  9. Start the Solution by selecting it and then click on Targets in the top menu
  10. Click the green plus button next to My Targets on the left hand side to create a new target.
  11. Select the newly created target calles Unnamed Target and rename it according to your needs.
  12. In the main sectiopn choose NodeRED where it says Protocol.
  13. Then, create a few groups with parameters inside.
  14. Click the green pencil button to edit the parameters inside a group.
  15. Insert one of your protocol names from step 6 into each protocol field. This determines which output of the glue node will send out your message.
  16. In order to use the target, navigate to Features in the menu.
  17. Create a new instance of the Single Target Feature by using the plus icon next to My Features.
  18. Select the feature instance and choose your target.
  19. Insert the same port which you configured in the glue node in NodeRED. Then, press Save & Apply.
  20. The NodeRED glue node should now say GLUE connected. If it does not, please redeploy the flow until it connects.
  21. You should now be able to use the Test Target button to send messages to the node.


In case the connection does not work, you can check what glue is sending to NodeRED:

  1. Enable the logging scope mpx:glue:nodered by navigating to Settings and then Developer. Select activate the checkbox next to mpx:glue:nodered and click Save & Apply.
  2. Now click the View logs button to see all logs.