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Simple Light Control


A Feature is a component of Glue which can control a device, a software or a service.

To use a Feature, you first need to create an Instance of that Feature. Check out the docs here for more info about Feature Instances.

The Feature Configuration has two tabs: Connection and Configuration. They will be exmplained below.


Let's first take a look at the Connection tab. This is where you define how your DMX data will be outputted.

  1. In the Driver field you need to select your interface. You can choose between network-based interface protocols like ArtNet or sACN or USB-based interfaces like the Enttec USB DMX Pro.
  2. Once you select a Driver, the other options will change accordingly. Insert all the required information. You don't need to fill out fields which indicate that they have a default value.
  3. Press Save & Apply to make Glue try to connect to the DMX interface. If the Feature Instance status changes to green, you're good to go!


This is where you setup your light show.


First, you need to tell Glue what Fixtures you have available and to what DMX addresses they are patched. To do that, go to the Patch tab.

  1. Select a Fixture from the left. You can also use the Search box to find fixtures. Then, click the + to add it to the patch list.
  2. You can change all fields which have the blue pen icon next to them. Adjust the count and the name according to your needs.
  3. Adjust the Channel Mode to the Channel Mode selected on your fixture if it has multiple different modes.
  4. Set the Address field to DMX Address which your fixture is also set to.
  5. Repeat for all of your fixtures.
Patch Table

If you need an overview of your DMX Universe, scroll down to see a patch table! It will indicate what addresses are used by what fixtures.


You can now group your fixtures for easier access. For example, it could make sense to create a Stage Top or an Ambient group. To do that, go to the Groups tab.

  1. Click the + to create a new group.
  2. You can now change the name or even delete the group again.
  3. To add fixtures to the group, click the + inside the group box and select the fixture.
  4. Repeat for more fixtures / groups.


This is where presets are stored. You can delete them here, if you want to.

Presets can be created using Hardware gestures, see below for more information.


You can define preset colors here which are used for fixtures without a Color Wheel (like LED RGB PARs).

  1. Click on the + to create a new Color.
  2. You can now use the color picker or the hex input field to adjust the color value.
  3. Using the arrows, you can sort the colors and with the trash bin, you can remove them.


This is where default values are stored. Those are sent to the fixtures on startup. You can delete them here, if you want to.

Presets can be created using Hardware gestures, see below for more information.


Coming soon!

This is not yet available in Glue. It will be added soon, be excited for the launch!


If you want to update the Fixture library, you can do that here by clicking on the Update Fixture Library button. Note that this requires and internet connection.


The following Zones are provided by this feature:

Zone NameWidget TypeDescription
GroupsLEDButtonThe Group, Group Fixtures and Fixtures Selectors allow you to precisely select which fixtures you're currently controlling. Groups will display all the groups which you defined in the configuration.
Group FixturesLEDButtonThis will display all of the fixtures in the currently selected group(s). It will change when you select other groups.
FixturesLEDButtonThis will show all of your fixtures.
ChannelsMotorfaderThis will allow you to precisely control the exact value of every DMX channel. Use an OLED to the name and purpose of every channel for even better control. By default, you control all fixtures of one fixture type at the same time, but this can be disabled using the Separate Channels Button in the Control Zone.
Channel SelectsLEDButtonThis allows you to select channels to create Presets or Defaults. See below for more information.
Recall PresetsLEDButtonThis will show all of your presets. Once you select one, the preset will be recalled.
PositionJoysticksThis allows you to control the position of Moving Heads. You can control Pan, Tilt, Focus and Zoom here.
Master DimmersMotorfaderThere are three Master Dimmers available: Fixture controls the master brightness of the selected Fixture(s), Group the master brightness of the selected group(s) and Master will control the master brightness of every Fixture.
Color ButtonsLEDButtonThis will set the color for the selected Fixture(s) or Group(s). Usually you will see your Colors from the configuration here, but if a Fixture only has a Color Wheel, those colors will be shown on the buttons.
Gobo ButtonsLEDButtonThis allows you to set the Gobo Wheel of a Moving Head.
Color WheelDatawheelSame as Color Buttons but for the Data Wheel.
Gobo WheelDatawheelSame as Gobo Buttons but for the Data Wheel.
Master BlackoutLEDButtonPress those buttons to temporarily blackout the Fixture(s), the Group(s) or everything. The Parameters have the same arrangement as the Master Dimmers.
ControlLEDButtonThis zone provides five Control Buttons.
Multi allows you to select multiple items where the other one would otherwise be deselected. For example, if you want to select two Fixtures using the Fixture Selector Zone, you need to hold this button for multiselect.
Separate Channels splits the channels of multiple Fixtures (depending on your count in the configuration) so that you can control each fixture of the same type individually.
Set Default can be used to set the default value of a Channel.
Store allows you to store the current value(s) of the selected Channel(s) to a preset button. See below for more information.
Clear allows you to clear a preset.


You will always select the Fixtures you want to control first. This can be done with the Groups, Group Fixtures or Fixtures Selector. Press the Multi Button of the Control Zone for multiselect. Then, you can adjust the color, position and brightness with the other zones.


You can easily store the current values of Fixtures as a preset:

  1. Set the current values of all Fixtures as desired.
  2. Select the channels you want to store in the preset using the Select Channel Zone.
  3. Press the Store Button of the Control Zone. It will light up in bright green.
  4. Press the Preset Button where you want to store this preset.
  5. Done! You can now recall the preset by clicking on the Preset Button in the Presets Zone.

You can also add multiple presets to one button. They will be recalled at the same time.

To clear a preset, press the Clear button and then the Preset Button in the Presets Zone or manage this Preset using the Configuration UI in the Presets Tab.


To set the default value of a channel, first press the Set Default button of the Control Zone and then the Select Channel button of the specific channel. That's it!

You can now manage this Default through the Configuration UI in the Defaults Tab.