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This is not made for end-users. If you are looking for a way to connect your USB controller to your computer via Ethernet, please refer to the Bridge Usage Guide.

General Information

  • The MPX Bridge is a software bridge between the MPX Controller and a Client speaking a bidirectional network protocol.
  • The Bridge is a single binary executable, which should be shipped with the client application.
  • It is executed as a child process of the client application.
  • Configuration is done using command line arguments (see below).


hannes@Hannes-Desktop:~$ ./bridge --help

MPX Bridge

A bridge between MPX Controllers and other network protocols.


-V, --verbose boolean If enabled, additional debug information will be printed to the
-v, --version boolean Print the version number.
-H, --help boolean Print this usage guide.
-i, --in string How to connect to the controller. Can be a serial port (COM1,
/dev/ttyUSB0, etc.), an IP address (e.g.[:1234])
or "auto" (default) which will grab the first available usb
serial port.
-o, --out string Output protocol. Can be "mpx" (default, used for Glue) or
-p, --port number Output port for the selected protocol
-h, --host number Local host / address to bind to. Defaults to, which
is the loopback address. If you want to listen on all
interfaces, use
-u, --udp number If set, the OSC protocol will use UDP instead of TCP. Set this
to the host:port to send data to, if you want to use UDP.
-d, --dnssd boolean Enable DNS-SD (Bonjour) advertising. This will be the name of
the service. If not specified, no DNS-SD advertising will be
done. When using the MPX protocol, DNS-SD advertising will be
done automatically, therefore this option is ignored.
-j, --json boolean If enabled, all output printed to the console will be in JSON

OSC Example

Client-side perspective

The following example is from the perspective of the client application. receive means, that the client application will receive messages sent by the Bridge, and send means, that the client application will send messages to the Bridge.


By default, the Bridge will use TCP for communication. If you want to use UDP, specify your target address as <ip>:<port> in the --udp argument.

General Info

  • Almost any command which is specified with a value, can be sent without a value in order to query the current value. The Bridge will respond with an osc message with the same address, but with the value appended.

Error messages

  • If the Bridge cannot process a message, it will send error messages to the client application
  • Error Messages are sent to the /error address
  • They have two arguments:
    1. the original address
    2. the error message

Info messages

  • Triggered by sending a message with one of the following addresses without values
  • In the following table parameters are enclosed in [], see below for details on how to address widgets
  • The /info/controller/widgets/[x]/[y] address can be used to query the info of a widget at a given position. It returns:
    • the type of the widget
    • the width of the widget
    • the height of the widget
    • if the provided x and y position does not match the top left corner of the widget, the left and top position of the widget will be returned as arguments 4 and 5
AddressDescriptionReturn TypeDescriptionExample
/info/controller/statusReturns the current status of the controlleri0: Disconnected, 1: Connected, 2: Connecting1
/info/controller/connectionReturns the connection type and the address of the controllers; sUSB or ETHERNET; AddressUSB; /dev/ttyUSB0
/info/controller/serialReturns the serial number of the controllersSerial NumberSRO2D4
/info/controller/nameReturns the name of the controllersNameMPX-1
/info/controller/layoutStringReturns the layout string of the controllersLayout String (see here for more info)4E.8B.4O.4F60
/info/controller/dimensionsReturns the dimensions of the controlleri; iWidth; Height8; 10
/info/controller/widgets/[x]/[y]Returns the info of the widget at the given positions; i; i; [i; i]Type; Width; Height; [TopLeftX; TopLeftY]fader; 1; 4; 0; 0
/info/versionReturns the version of the BridgesVersion1.0.0

Control messages

  • Widgets are identified by their type and their x / y position
  • Positions are 0-based
  • A widget which is bigger than 1x1 should be addressed by its top left corner, however the Bridge will also accept the other positions
  • The format is as follows:
    • /control/widgets/[type]/[x]/[y]/[command]
    • [type] can be one of the following:
      • buttons
      • faders
      • encoders
      • oleds
      • touchscreens
    • [command] can be one of the following:
      • value
      • color
      • touched
      • pressed
      • left
      • right
      • url[/[index]]
      • reload[/[index]]
      • clear[/[index]]
      • tab
    • Examples:
      receive /control/widgets/buttons/0/2/value 
      send /control/widgets/buttons/0/2/color
      receive /control/widgets/faders/1/0/value
      receive /control/widgets/faders/1/0/touched
      send /control/widgets/faders/1/0/value
      receive /control/widgets/encoders/0/0/pressed
      receive /control/widgets/encoders/0/0/left
      send /control/widgets/touchscreens/0/1/url
    • Controlling the OLEDs is a bit more complex, see the section below for info.

Some widgets have subtypes, which can be addressed by appending the subtype to the widget type, separated by a colon (:). When sending events, the bridge will always send the subtype as well. To be future-proof, if you don't need the subtype, you should ignore everything after the first colon (:). Currently, the following widgets have subtypes:

  • buttons
    • buttons:double (half-row)
    • buttons:ts (tactile)


  • Receive value messages: 1 (pressed) or 0 (released)
  • Send color messages (send string for rgb (#rgb or #rrggbb), or number for hsl, see hsl specification below)
Half-Row Buttons

There's a tile called 8BTS whose buttons are half the size of the normal buttons. The bottom row can be addressed by adding .5 to the y position.


  • Receive value messages: 0 - 65535 (0xFFFF)
  • Receive touched messages: 1 (touched) or 0 (untouched)
  • Send value messages: 0 - 65535 (0xFFFF)
  • For touched events with value 0, a second argument with the time in milliseconds since the last touch event is sent


  • Receive left messages: 1 - 10
  • Receive right messages: 1 - 10
  • Receive pressed messages: 1 (pressed) or 0 (released)
  • Receive touched messages: 1 (touched) or 0 (untouched)
  • For touched events with value 0, a second argument with the time in milliseconds since the last touch event is sent
  • For pressed events with value 1, a second argument with the time in milliseconds since the last press event is sent
A note about acceleration

The Bridge will accelerate the encoder values, so that the values will increase faster the longer the encoder is turned. This is done to make the encoders more usable. That means, a left event with a value of 10 does not mean, that the encoder has been turned 10 ticks, but less than 10 ticks in a short amount of time.
Of course, for slow movements, the value will be the exact amount of ticks turned.


  • Each OLED Display has 4 virtual pages (0 - 3)
  • You can display one page at a time
  • Each page has a layout, see image below for the types of layouts
  • Each layout displays up to 3 widgets
  • Each widget has a label, a context, a valueString, a value, a barType, the inverse property and the valueInsteadOfBar property
  • To set the current page, send a page message with the page number (0 - 3):
    • /control/widgets/oleds/[x]/[y]/page
  • To set the layout for a page, send a layout message with the layout number (0 - 13):
    • /control/widgets/oleds/[x]/[y]/pages/[page]/layout
  • The format of the widget data commands looks as follows:
    • /control/widgets/oleds/[x]/[y]/pages/[page]/widgets/[widgetIndex]/[command]
    • [widgetIndex] must be 0 - 2
    • [command] can be one of the following:
      • label
      • context
      • valueString
      • value
      • barType
      • inverse
      • valueInsteadOfBar
    • Examples:
      send /control/widgets/oleds/0/0/page 0
      send /control/widgets/oleds/0/0/pages/0/layout 1
      send /control/widgets/oleds/0/0/pages/0/widgets/0/label "Fader 1"
      send /control/widgets/oleds/0/0/pages/0/widgets/0/context "Fader 1 Context"
      send /control/widgets/oleds/0/0/pages/0/widgets/0/valueString "Fader 1 Value"
      send /control/widgets/oleds/0/0/pages/0/widgets/0/value 0x80FF
      send /control/widgets/oleds/0/0/pages/0/widgets/0/barType 1
      send /control/widgets/oleds/0/0/pages/0/widgets/0/inverse 0
      send /control/widgets/oleds/0/0/pages/0/widgets/0/valueInsteadOfBar 0
OLED Layouts

OLED Layouts

OLED Bar Types
Bar TypeDescription
6Meter with fallback

XYZ Joystick

  • Receive valueX messages: 0 - 65534 (0xFFFF - 1)
  • Receive valueY messages: 0 - 65534 (0xFFFF - 1)
  • Receive valueZ messages: 0 - 65534 (0xFFFF - 1)
Why not 0xFFFF?

In order to have a real center position when the stick is idle, we needs an odd number of values. Therefore, the maximum value is 0xFFFF - 1.

XY Joysticks

  • Receive valueX messages: 0 - 65534 (0xFFFF - 1)
  • Receive valueY messages: 0 - 65534 (0xFFFF - 1)
Why not 0xFFFF?

In order to have a real center position when the stick is idle, we needs an odd number of values. Therefore, the maximum value is 0xFFFF - 1.


  • Receive left messages: 1 - 10
  • Receive right messages: 1 - 10
A note about acceleration

The Bridge will accelerate the encoder values, so that the values will increase faster the longer the encoder is turned. This is done to make the encoders more usable. That means, a left event with a value of 10 does not mean, that the encoder has been turned 10 ticks, but less than 10 ticks in a short amount of time.
Of course, for slow movements, the value will be the exact amount of ticks turned.


  • Receive value messages: 0 - 65535 (0xFFFF)


  • Send url messages: string (the url to a webpage to display on the screen)
  • Send reload messages (no arguments) (reload the current webpage)
  • Send clear messages (no arguments) (clear the screen and display a black background)

The Touchscreens support up to 8 Tabs. Switching between tabs is more performant than reloading the whole page, so it is recommended to use tabs if you want to display multiple pages. Controlling a tab is done by adding /[index] to the url, reload or clear command. The index is 0-based. If no index is specified, the commands control the current tab.

Switching tabs can be done by sending a tab command with the index of the tab to switch to (0 - 7).


OLED Problems

  • The OLED Display shows a blank screen
    • Make sure that you've set the current page
    • Make sure that you've set a layout for that page
    • Make sure that you've set a data for a widget which is used in that layout
  • The OLED Display's bar is always empty
    • Make sure that you've set a bar type for that widget



  • HSL values are encoded as a 32-bit unsigned integers
    • Bytes 0-1: 16bit Hue (0-65535)
    • Byte 2: 8bit Saturation (0-255)
    • Byte 3: 8bit Lightness (0-255)


  • The layout string is a string which describes the layout of the controller
  • It is a sequence of segment-strings separated by hyphens (-)
  • Each segment-string is a sequence of tile types separated by dots (.)

Tile Types

12B12 LED Buttons
8B8 LED Buttons
4B4 LED Buttons
12E12 Encoders
8E8 Encoders
4E4 Encoders
4O4 OLED Displays
4F604 Faders (60mm)
4F1004 Faders (100mm)
XYZXYZ Joystick
TSB3B3 Touchscreen (2 segments wide and 3 rows high)
TSC4C4 Touchscreen (3 segments wide and 4 rows high)
8BTS8 Tactile LED Buttons
4BTS4 Tactile LED Buttons
8BHR8 Half-Row LED Buttons


  • 4E.8B.4O.4F60 is a valid layout string
  • It describes a controller with a 4 encoders tile, an 8 button tile, a 4 OLED displays tile and a 4 motorfaders (60mm) tile, all in a single segment below each other
  • A controller with two of these segments next to each other would have the layout string 4E.8B.4O.4F60-4E.8B.4O.4F60